In the 18th and early 19th Centuries people subscribed to fire insurance companies to ensure that help would arrive (eventually) to fight a fire at their properties. A fire insurance plaque fitted to the front of a building indicated to which company the owner belonged.
Read more >>Before twentieth century reforms introduced benefits such as sick pay and free health care, families whose main breadwinners suffered illness or injury could face considerable hardships, even starvation. In the absence of any national provision, local communities developed self-help schemes to give financial support in the event of ill health. These schemes were known variously as sick clubs, mutual societies or friendly societies.
Read more >>Providing district nurses for rural areas was in its infancy when the Sandbeck Nursing Association (SNA) was founded in 1902 by the Countess of Scarbrough. Intended for the ‘poorer classes’, the SNA appointed hospital-trained nurses to help people recover in their own homes.
Read more >>Travelling from Tickhill to Bawtry you will have passed the site of these buildings, situated on the right hand side of the road close to the centre of Bawtry. You may not have given a second thought to what looks like a Victorian chapel, all that is left of a large complex of buildings.
Read more >>Leeches are now so much in demand that they are comparatively scarce though still found in many parts of Yorkshire. The women who collect them are principally from Scotland...
Read more >>Two plagues are well known: the Black Death in 1348-9 and the Great Plague of 1665-6 in London. However, the outbreak of plague was much more frequent than this...
Read more >>A summary of Tickhill’s eight almshouses, known locally as the ‘Mizendew’, which were founded over 600 years ago. Tickhill’s Mizendew, is a history of the Maison Dieu almshouses written by Hazel Moffat.
Read more >>Transcript of a talk given by Mrs Norma Neill to Tickhill & District Local History Society in May 2007
Read more >>. How did communities and individuals cope with disasters in the more distant past? They petitioned the monarch to issue royal mandates or briefs in the form of Letters Patent to seek financial contributions from ‘all well-disposed persons’. Because charity was seen as a Christian duty, the parish was the usual point of contact.
Read more >>Examples of the Earl of Scarbrough's munificence in 1821, 1832 and 1840 - taken from the British Newspaper Archive
Read more >>Labourers unable to find work go to Workhouse and a pauper charged to the parish - taken from the British Newspaper Archive
Read more >>Among the receipts saved by the late Maud Ashmore's family is one issued by Dr Caley in 1925 after attending Maud's mother. The fee is a reminder of the cost of health care in the years before the National Health Service.
Read more >>Opened in 1872 the Asylum at Wadsley, Sheffield, became the area's centre of residential care for people who were mentally ill, in those days known under the umbrella title of insanity.
Read more >>Notes on a discussion with Dr Richard Buckle regarding Tickhill Medical Services post WW2
Read more >>Using the MOH report up to December 1948, the article explores developments since the MOH report of 1925. With a population of c. 2390, Tickhill district was mainly agricultural and residential,
Read more >>The aim of the SEID whose Tickhill Branch first met in April 1896 was to provide funeral and sickness benefits. It also had a social function.
Read more >>New information in addition to Maison Dieu item on this website and Occasional Paper 2007