National Lottery Funded

Tickhill’s War Memorial and the Names Recorded There

We are delighted to be able to publish on our website this substantial research carried out by John Cowie into the Tickhill War Memorial.

Over many years he has tracked down information on the individuals recorded on the memorial and has unearthed many tragic stories. He has also uncovered a few mysteries concerning some names which have been included and others which have been omitted.

Tickhill’s War Memorial stands just inside the north gates of St Mary’s churchyard and many people pass by it daily, probably giving little thought to the men that it commemorates, their connection with Tickhill or where they died.

The memorial lists the names of 58 Tickhill men, who served in either the first world or the second world war, however one of the men named on the memorial died whilst serving in the Korean war.

John has researched the names inscribed on the memorial, attempting to discover not only military details but also family details, in order to discover the men ‘behind’ the names.

The details that he has managed to gather for most of the men consist of their full name, their military rank and number, the regiment, unit, ship or squadron with which they served, their age at death, the place of burial and their connection with Tickhill.

Please follow the links below to the various sections of John’s research:-

Introduction to Tickhill’s War Memorial

World War I

Names of the Fallen – A to D

Please note emendation of entry for Midshipman Dixwell Ian ALDERSON - he was not born in Tickhill but in Ceylon where his father owned a tea plantation.

Names of the Fallen – E to H
Names of the Fallen – I to L
Names of the Fallen – M to O
Names of the Fallen – P to S
Names of the Fallen – T to Z

Lists from the monthly Tickhill Parish Magazine of those involved in War Service 1914 – 1918

World War II

Photo of the Plaque listing the Fallen
Names of the Fallen – A to D

Please note emendation of the entry for Flying Officer Walter BROWN. He did not join the RAF in 1922; he was born in Tickhill in 1922.

Names of the Fallen – E to K
Names of the Fallen – L to R
Names of the Fallen – S to Z


“I am sure there are more men and women who died in the World Wars and wars and conflicts since, with a strong link to Tickhill, whether they were born here and their families moved away, those who worked in the collieries and farms in the area – The full story of Tickhill’s involvement may never be known, therefore, we need your help to fill in the missing details, whether is to add to what is already here or those Tickhill men and women who’s memory has been forgotten. Please either contact the History Society or myself, we would love to hear from you”.

John R Cowie
November 2012

Additional information on Pte. John  Henry Holmes of the KOYLI has just been received (August 2020) from his great grandson, Paul. It appears as a separate article below.

To contact the Society, please click here. We would be grateful for any comments or further information.

"Let those who come after see to it that their names are not forgotten"