National Lottery Funded
Tickhill History Society
Tickhill HistoryTickhill History

About the Society


The Society was formed in 2004 with the aim of building on the work of the late Tom Beastall and the groups he worked with some 20 years ago. It currently has about 140 members and holds monthly meetings between September and May. (See Meetings page.)


The Society is building a documentary and photographic archive of the area’s history which will be available for research. Tickhill Library have kindly provided room for the Archive. As well as donations of original material, the Society welcomes the opportunity to copy documents and photographs where people prefer to retain the originals.


Members receive a quarterly Newsletter which not only passes on news but also disseminates research, examples of historical evidence about the Tickhill area and reviews of books and websites. Spare copies are placed in the Tickhill Library. (See News for the latest edition and back numbers.)