National Lottery Funded

Meetings & Activities


Our next meeting is a ZOOM meeting on 16th January when Nick Barratt will talk to us about Family History. Joining instructions will be sent out before the meeting.

Between September and May each year we arrange eight talks given by visiting experts and our own members sharing the outcome of their research. The programme combines talks specific to Tickhill’s past with those ranging over the wider South Yorkshire area.

The talks are held in the Methodist Schoolroom (entrance behind the Methodist Church, Northgate). They start at 7.30pm and finish by 9pm. But please note exceptions below.

Entrance fee:  £3 non-members.

Programme for the Autumn 2024

EXTRA EVENT - 14th September The Society's Local History Fair at Tickhill Community Library from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm CANCELLED

19th September - Mandy Keating - 90 years of Pilkingtons

17th October - AGM followed by John Hope - On the Beat - a Policemen's Lot

21st November - Ian Morgan - The Fossdyke (a watery tale of mystery and intrigue)

2.00 pm start - 4th December - Peter Barnard - De Mowbray Musicke - please note 2.00 pm start


16th January - Talk via Zoom - Family History in the Digital Age - Nick Barratt

20th February - Chris Barron - Doncaster and the Railways

20th March - Chris Hewis - Wedding Customs and Nursery Rhymes

17th April - David Skillen - The Many Behind the Few - Those behind the Battle of Britain


Programme for the 2023 - 2024 Season

19th October - AGM followed by Elizabeth Smith who will talk about the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

16th November - David Skillen's talk will be Knitters, Nailers and Traitors.

13th December - Chris Cade - Scrooge - a topic for the season! (Please note this is a Wednesday with a 2.00 pm start)


18th January - Nick Barratt "When Harry met Dotty" - this meeting via Zoom.

15th February - David Mercer will talk about Roche Abbey.

21st March - Helen Slade - Friends of Hyde Park Cemetery.

18th April - Martin Rowley - Sheffield Gang Wars.

23rd May - Lesley Smith - - (Please note venue is St. Mary's Church at 2.00 pm)




Social events and visits

During the summer months members enjoy a variety of evening visits which have so far included local churches, historic sites such as Roche Abbey, Brodsworth Hall, the Doncaster Local Studies Library, Southwell Workhouse, and Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet.