National Lottery Funded

Receipt for Medical Treatment

Among the variety of receipts saved by the late Maud Ashmore's family is one issued by Dr Caley in1925 after attending Maud's mother while she was awaiting the births of Maud and Eunice. The fee, £2/5/-, was well above the average weekly wage in the 1920s and is a reminder of the cost of health care in the years before the National Health Service.

Several of the receipts saved by Maud's family had a postage stamp attached (such as receipts for the payment of fees for the Misses Goodwin's school and the payment of tax to the Urban District Council), stamp duty being one of the government's ways of raising income on relatively small amounts compared to the way stamp duty is now levied. The reference to c/o Close is because Mr and Mrs Ashmore lived with Mrs Ashmore's parents called Close.

By 1925 it was possible to contact the Doctor by telephone, his number being 6 Tickhill, although the majority of Tickhill's inhabitants would have had to use the telephone in the Post Office in the Market Place if they chose to make telephone contact.

We know from Betty Hill's memories about growing up in Tickhill that Dr Caley chose to call his house on Westgate 'Renong' after a Malaysian rubber producer in whom Dr Caley invested, the profits enabling him to build 'Renong'.

Receipt for Medical Care