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Lindrick Lane

Gallery > Streets > Lindrick Lane

File Information
Album name:Lindrick Lane
Date added:09 Feb, 2007
Displayed:233 times
URL: Lane/grbox12L035.jpg
This photo is taken from Lindrick lane looking towards the Mill dam . Water lane is to your right and Brookfield’s farm is on the corner in the 60’s when I grew up in Lindrick house which is just out of shot. We would sit on the high stone wall of the house overlooking water Lane and watch the herd of black and white cows being brought in for milking or go down the lane on our tricycles and folllow them up to the farm. Lindrick house stood alone on the right of water lane and it wasn’t till the 70’s that a property was built on land at the bottom of the garden . The pale coloured path opposite the parked cars was the footpath following the stream from the dam and a favourite place to see water rats and fish for stickle backs .. tThe red roofed building in the centre of the photo was the mill and still used to store grain owned by the farm opposite .I know this as I used to go up to the farm with a jam jar to ask for corn to feed the school hamster on and would be invited to go across the road and fill my jar from a hessian sack of corn.
User:Wendy Penny nee Withers (15.08.2024)
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